LiFT publishes report on fare-free transit in the US

Across the United States, fare-free public transport unexpectedly gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 11 cases of full FFPT existed before 2020. As the pandemic unfolded, FFPT evolved from a relatively fringe policy to a “best practice” applied by transit agencies in response to COVID-19. More than 60% of urban public transit agencies suspended fare collection during the pandemic. This report traces this transformation.

LiFT interviewed by Euronews

Euronews has recently interviewed Wojciech Kębłowski from LiFT about the policy of providing fare-free access to transport. Speaking alongside François Bausch, Luxembourg’s Deputy Prime Minister and Mari Jüssi, an urban mobility expert from Tallinn, Wojciech defended fare-free public transport as a policy that tackled head-on both social and environmental inequalities in urban transport.

LiFT contributes to Deutsche Welle podcast

Wojciech Kębłowski from LiFT has recently contributed to the Deutsche Welle podcast Inside Europe about recent experiments in public transport provision across Europe. He talks about what makes public transport truly public, and why making it fare-free is a welcome innovation.